Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Weight Loss Acupuncture Bandung Jakarta Catgut Acupuncture

Weight Loss Acupuncture Bandung Jakarta Catgut Acupuncture

Cat Gut Embedding / Tanam Benang is one of the most convenient and effective way to lose fat. In this method of acupuncture, various acupuncture points are embedded with Bio Protein thread which stays in the body for around 20-30 days. These thread dissolves into protein which makes them really safe and there is no requirement to remove them on a future date. The various reasons why most people chooses Catgut Embedding compared to the Normal Traditional Acupuncture are as follows:
1.  1 Session of Catgut is equivalent to an average 10 Sessions with the Normal Acupuncture Technique
2.  Saves Time, Really advisable for busy people (and the lazy ones too)
3.  From Personal Experience Catgut delivers better result since normally people with the Normal Traditional Acupuncture misses their sessions and hence their efficiency is reduced.

Acupuncture for Fat Loss helps:
1. Reduce Appetite
2. Increase Body’s Metabolism; which in turn helps a faster fat burning rate.
3. Detox
4. Promotes Lipid Lowering, assisting in lower Cholesterol rate.
5. Balances the Body’s nervous system.
6. Removal of waste from the body. Passing stool becomes easier once the digestive functions are enhanced.
Acupuncture is different from most Weight Loss and Diet Therapies in which you normally have what I call as a Yoyo Diet Plan (Once your on it, you reduce and once you’re off it – your size goes back up and most of the times it goes way worse than before). Acupuncture provides a more Permanent Result and hence is one of the favorite non surgical methods for slimming today in most parts of the world.

We also provide High Quality Internationally sold Chinese Herbs. The herbs that we recommend varies from case to case. We use an International Brand which has a very high standard and is distributed in over 150 countries. Certified Halal the Indonesian and Malaysian Islamic Council, so its also perfectly safe to be consumed by our Muslim friends. Entirely safe with no side effects even on long run, these herbs assist and helps the body to detox even further. They reduce the Cholesterol and lipid buildup that has already been stuck in the body. Those difficult blockage which would cause you your heart attack and stroke shall be cleared within a few days after consuming our herbs. Your body shall feel lighter and way healthier.

For Best Results we recommend you to take our Catgut + Herbal Package.
Available in Bandung and Jakarta... :D
Akupunktur Bandung
0898 618 9994 (Sms Centre)

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